Theresa Rohrer

Rottweg 17
5020 Salzburg
+43 680 3111 774
+43 680 3111 774
- Cranial Sacral Qigong Level 1
- Stem Cell Activation Qigong Level 1
- Wisdom Qigong Level 1
- 5 Element Qigong Level 1
Instructor Levels:
- Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor Level 1
- Cosmic Healing I Practitioner
Joint workshops are offered with Matthias Sturm, UHT Associate Instructor in Salzburg.
Matthias Sturm will practice the basic program from the UHT system (Inner Smile, 6 Healing Sounds, Self Massage, Self Healing Qigong, Microcosmic Orbit). Theresia Rohrer will complement the program with TT and Cosmic Healing.
My path began at the University Hospital in Innsbruck, where I completed my diploma training as a health and pediatric nurse. This was followed by numerous specialized trainings in anesthesia, surgical nursing, validation user, health education and counseling.
Later, I worked in general health care and nursing with a focus on geriatric care, home health care and health counseling.
In the latter years the interest was in Therapeutic Touch (TT) where I completed the diploma training with the additional modules Health Care, Palliative Care, Spiritual Care, Neurological Care, Death TT, Health Modalities (Aroma Oils, NOREIA Vibrational Essences and Sound), 5 Elements and Gynaecological Care.
The training as Cosmic Healing I Practitioner in the UHT TAO System according to Mantak Chia complements the wealth of experience wonderfully.
"But the greatest of all remedies is love" (Paracelsus).